Sunday, January 15, 2017


Its hard to understand the why, when things don't work out in a relationship...much less when its an abusive relationship. From an outsider's point of view everything was simple. The next step to take, the words one should say, the one to blame. It really is far from being that simple, though. I remember giving advice to friends in those situations thinking, "Why don't they just leave!". I didn't understand and why should I if I had never been in that situation. Keep in mind that I pride myself in being able to see others point of view, you know putting myself in other people's shoes, but this was something I just could not. I could understand the facts: the abuse wasn't ongoing, the abuser was charming at some point, kids were involved, love, family, ect.  I just couldn't see why those same facts used as excuses to stay weren't the very same reasons not to...

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